The Real Stuff Part 1

Week 3

Box art 
Hello again! In my last blog, I talked briefly about Metroids and their life cycle. I also talked more about Planet Zebes and the different regions of this strange world. I also talked about a bird-like race called the Chozo and they were the people responsible for the creations of the Metroids. In this blog, I will talk more about Super Metroid, the basics and what you need to know about the game. I will also talk about some of the common enemies that Samus meets during her trek across the planet.

Title Screen showing the Metroid hatchling
Super Metroid is a 1994 action-adventure video game developed by Nintendo. It is the third installment in the Metroid series. It is a single-player mode and like most 2D games, Zebes has a non-linear design and there are many hidden areas, making exploration more exciting and the central theme of the game. Exploration is a geographical concept, anyway, thanks to Christopher Columbus who set sail on the ocean blue and discovered America!!!

"The Father of Exploration."

During her quest, Samus gathers Power-Up items that allow her to overcome obstacles in order to access new parts of the planet. These will be explained below.

But first, let's start from the very beginning:

The last Metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace...

I first battled the Metroids on Planet Zebes. It was there that I foiled the plans of the Space Pirate Leader Mother Brain to use the creatures to attack Galactic Civilization...

I next fought the Metroids on their homeworld, SR388. I completely eradicated them except for a larva, which after hatching followed me like a confused child...

I personally delivered it to the Galactic Research Station at Ceres so the scientists could study its energy producing qualities...

The scientists' findings were astounding! They discovered that the powers of the Metroid might be harnessed for the good of civilization!

Satisfied that all was well, I left the station to seek a new bounty to hunt. But, I had hardly gone beyond the asteroid belt when I picked up a distress signal!

Ceres station was under attack!!

In game map
After wiping out the Metroids on SR388 in Metroid II: Samus Returns, Samus Aran brought the Metroid hatchling to the Galactic Research Station at Ceres (Ceres is where the game starts, and on the title screen you can see the hatchling). Earlier, Samus receives a distress signal from Ceres Space Colony, because there was something bad happening there. After her investigation, Samus had to flee Ceres because an explosion was about to happen in one minute, and as a result, POOF! The space colony blew up and Samus was forced to return to Planet Zebes, where it was upgraded while Samus was on SR388.
Ceres Space Colony

Now let's hit off and get to the real stuff!!!

As I have said earlier, Super Metroid is first set on the Planet Zebes. Samus progresses through the planet by acquiring power-ups that enable her to go beyond and access new areas. The game also introduces new abilities and concepts. Super Metroid is also the first game to adapt a map feature to aid the player in navigation. Samus starts off with firing normal beams (which destroy enemies and blocks and open regular doors) and as she progresses through the game, Samus can acquire new items to aid her against the bad guys:

1. Morph Ball: This enables Samus to manoeuvre narrow passages. After collecting it, Samus can then morph into a ball by pressing the Down button on your controller. It is found in central Brinstar.
Morph Ball
Morph Ball in effect


2. Missiles: These can be used to kill enemies and open doors. Each missile tank contains 5 missiles. You can replenish your missile stock by going to a Recharge Station. Missiles are generally used to kill more powerful enemies and open red doors in the game. They are first found in Crateria underground.

3. Energy Tank: Collect these to increase your health by one bar. Each bar contains 100 health points, i.e. if you have 5 health bars, Samus would have 500 health points (100 x 5). and as you inflict damage, the number of health points goes down and after you reach 0 you either lose a bar or die. The more energy tanks you collect, the better chance that you will survive longer. They are first found in Crateria underground.

Energy Tank
4. Bombs: Bombs can be used to destroy blocks or walls that are in Samus's way. They can only be used when morphed in a ball position. They can also be used to kill enemies. Bombs are found in Crateria underground. The room where you collect the Bomb is where you also fight the Bomb Torizo which is actually pretending to be a Chozo Statue!!!

Bomb in effect

5. Reserve Tank: Reserve tanks are used to provide an "extra" energy reserve for 100 health points. They have a maximum of 400 health points and are activated when Samus's energy is reduced to zero or can be used manually. They are found in Brinstar, Norfair, Wrecked Ship and Maridia.

Reserve Tank in Brinstar

Reserve Tank in Maridia

Reserve Tank in Norfair

6. Super Missiles: Collect these and Samus can fire them at enemies and deal twice as damage than normal missiles. They can also be used to open green doors. They are first found in northern Brinstar.

Super Missiles

7. Power Bombs: They are more powerful than regular bombs, and unlike them, they can wipe out a batch of enemies at once. They can also destroy walls and large quantities of blocks all at once and can open yellow hatches. They can also destroy Power Bomb blocks. Morph into a ball and press Select to use it. They are first located in central Norfair after you beat Crocomire.

Power Bombs
Power Bombs can wipe out enemies and destroy blocks all at once.

8. Charge Beam: The charge beam is the most efficient version of Samus's normal beam and allows the beam to be charged, generating more damage to enemies in the game, as well as increasing power. It is found in northern Brinstar.

Charge Beam
Charge Beam being fired

9. Spazer: This allows Samus to get more powerful shots at her adversaries and when fired, it splits into three different beams. In other words, it widens Samus's Arm Cannon beam shot (Samus carries one on her right hand and can be used for weaponry purposes). It is found in south-eastern Brinstar.

Spazer being fired

10. Wave Beam: Wave Beams can penetrate through walls and can be handy if you want to open up barriers. The wave beam can be acquired in eastern Norfair.
Wave Beam being fired. Notice its colour?

Wave Beam

11. Plasma Beam: The plasma beam can be used to shoot multiple enemies at once. It is the second most powerful beam in the game. It can be found in  north-eastern Maridia.

Plasma Beam
Plasma Beam being fired
12. Grapple Beam: The grapple beam can be used to reach platforms that are too far or too high for Samus to reach (to cross large chasms). The grapple beam works by pointing it at grapple blocks (these are either on the ceiling or at the sidewalls. You can also grapple on certain enemies as well as kill them too. It can also be used to kill Draygon in Maridia. Found in south-western Norfair.

Grapple Beam

Grapple Beam in effect 1: Grapple by the ceiling (do you notice the special grapple blocks?)

Grapple Beam in effect 2: Sidewall grappling

You can also use a Ripper to grapple (See above)

13. Ice Beam: The ice beam can be used to freeze enemies and Metroids. They can also be used as a platform for Samus to jump to higher places. Can be acquired in north-western Norfair.
Ice Beam
The Ice Beam also enables Samus to use enemies as a platform.

Ice Beam being fired
14. High Jump Boots: The hi-jump boots enable Samus to reach to higher platforms that Samus cannot reach with her normal boots. Found in north-western Norfair.

High Jump Boots

15. X-Ray Visor: This enables Samus to see through walls and objects. They are also used to find hidden items. Found in southern Brinstar.
It's definitely my X-ray scope. This scope allows me to reveal secret passages on the planet of Zebes. This planet has tons of hidden caves and I need to find these if I want to defeat the Mother Brain.

X-Ray Visor

X-Ray Visor in effect

16. Speed Booster: This enables Samus to run at a maximum speed. Samus can also run into walls or other obstacles as well as Speed Booster blocks and can produce the Shinespark. A Shinespark is activated by crouching and then jumping. Samus can choose to aim the Shinespark in five different directions: left, diagonal up-left, up, right and diagonal up-right. Samus can also perform the Shinespark while in mid-air. The speed booster can be obtained in north-eastern Norfair and is demonstrated by a Dachora (an alien-ostrich like creature and is located in northern Brinstar).

Speed Booster

Speed Booster in effect

Samus encounters a Dachora, which demonstrates the technique.

The Shinespark effect in Super Metroid.

Artwork of a Shinespark 1

Artwork of a Shinespark 2

Reminder: Wall-jumping is an important technique in the game which is necessary when playing like a pro in Super Metroid and is one the toughest techniques to learn. A wall-jump is a technique that speed runners use to gain access to areas that would normally require a special upgrade like the High Jump Boots. Samus encounters a pack of green monkeys called Etecoons in the northern half of  Brinstar, which demonstrate the technique. Here is how it works: Samus must perform a Spin Jump (jump while running) at a wall so that she touches a wall. When Samus is touching the wall, the player must press and hold the control pad away from the wall. The player then must press the jump button again. If performed correctly, Samus will jump in the opposite direction. Remember, practice makes perfect!!! This video will show you how to wall jump:

Artwork of wall jump

Samus encounters some Etecoons, which demonstrate the technique.

Operation Wall-Jump
17. Space Jump: Samus can jump continuously in the air to access high platforms. Press the jump button to keep on jumping. The Space Jump can be found in eastern Maridia after defeating Draygon.

Space Jump

Space Jump in effect

18. Hyper Beam: The most powerful beam in the game. Can be used to destroy everything, literally. Samus acquires the Hyper Beam from the Metroid hatchling, which has magnificient powers. Samus then uses the Hyper Beam to defeat Mother Brain in the rebuilt Tourian. In my next blog, you will find out why the game is called Super Metroid. The answer is in Tourian. There is a clue in Ridley.

Samus firing the Hyper Beam at Mother Brain.
19. Screw Attack: Acquired in Ridley/southern Norfair after defeating the Golden Torizo. Samus is invincible when the Screw Attack is in operation. Adds killing power to Spin Jumps as well as the Space Jump. Can destroy walls and enemies.

Screw Attack

Screw Attack in effect
As well as acquiring power-ups, Samus Aran can also acquire suits.

20. Varia Suit: Found in the most eastern room in Brinstar, after defeating Kraid. Allows Samus to explore Norfair at a greater depth. The Varia Suit is specially designed for Samus to protect her against the extreme heat.

Varia Suit
Samus wearing the Varia Suit in Norfair. She is also firing a missile at a Geruta. I will explain this in my next blog.

 21. Gravity Suit: Acquired in the Wrecked Ship after defeating Phantoon. The Gravity Suit enables her to move freely in liquid environments (water, lava etc.). This also enables Samus to explore Maridia. 

Gravity Suit

Samus Aran wearing the Gravity Suit
21. Spring Ball: Enables Samus to jump while in Morph Ball mode. Can also be used to jump through narrow passages in Morph Ball as well as reach other narrow passages at a height. Behaves similarly to the High Jump Boots. Acquired in northern Maridia. Press the down button twice and then press the jump button on your controller.

Spring Ball

Spring Ball in effect

That's pretty much everything of all the different items you can collect in the game! In my next blog, I will be talking about some of the obstacles in the game as well as some of its unruly inhabitants. I will also talk a bit more about Super Metroid and some of the bosses in the game. Thank you and goodbye!


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